
Shurijo Fire: When it gets worse, let the media stop reporting. Is Abe Shinzo a self-made terrorist?

http://richardthekoshimizu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2019/11/post-726ee9.html As soon as Shuri Castle Fire, the news that the security camera had been turned off before the fire broke out, and "Someone filmed the fire and released it on the n…

Is it fired after turning off the security camera?

r ◆ The video is interrupted before the fire is confirmed.https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_society/articles/000168353.html In the fire of Shuri Castle in Okinawa Prefecture, it turned out that the image of the security camera inside the ma…


ri ◆出火確認前に映像途絶える 首里城正殿内部の防カメhttps://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_society/articles/000168353.html 沖縄県の首里城の火災で、火元とみられている正殿内部の防犯カメラの映像が火が確認できる前に途絶えていたことが分かりました。首…

